Elfreda And Ed Visit South Africa | Guelph Photographers

We can’t believe in less than a month we will be back in South Africa again. Elfreda and I are getting very excited for our upcoming trip. We are really looking forward to the delicious food, incredible wines, safaris, braais, lying on the beach, and swimming in the ocean. More than anything we are excited to spend time with family and see everyone again. We are especially looking forward to celebrating Christmas together. Ahh, can’t wait!!!

In this blog you will see the beach I will be spending a serious amount of time on. You will also see many cute dassies, vervet monkeys, a bushbuck, zebras, elephants, lions, warthogs, kudus, a bontebok, a secretary bird, a gemsbok, an African spurred tortoise, baboons and a buffalo sticking his tongue out at us.

Hope you enjoy the photos!